(Pic: NRNRP/Pixabay)

We have Leica inventor Oskar Barnack to thank for 35mm becoming the most popular format for film photography.

When he invented the Ur-Leica in 1913, he found a new use for 35mm cinema film – and invented a film format that would take photography out of cumbersome, tripod-mounted cameras and into small, pocketable camera that would revolutionise how we saw the world.

Over a century later, 35mm in still with us, even though many varieties of films have fallen by the wayside since the rise of digital. We’ve seen fantastic films like Agfa Ultra, Konica Chrome, Fuji Neopan and Kodak’s peerless Kodachrome all disappear, along with a myriad others.

But 35mm film hasn’t disappeared. Some fantastic emulsions have weathered the storm, and have continued to stay in production amid the downsizing.

I’ve been compiling this three part list over the last year or so, and noticed something – for the first time since the turn of the century, more films are appearing. We are still losing the odd film here and there, but they are being replaced by new emulsions coming from companies big and small.

When I started the first part of this round-up, there was no Ferrania P30 or Bergger Pancro 400 – two black-and-white films that have appeared in 2017. Neither was there Rollei’s Vario Chrome.

So here is a list of the 35mm films you can still buy – hopefully accurate, but I appreciate anyone who writes in to update or correct me on omissions. I’ll be updating it with every deletion – or addition – from here on in too.


Part 1 – Adox to Foma

Adox Silvermax

Adaox Scala 160

AdoxCHS 100 Type II

Adox CMS 20

Adox Color Implosion

Agfaphoto APX 100

Agfaphoto APX 400

Afgaphoto CT100 Precisa

Bergger Pancro 400

Cinestill 50D

Cinestill 800T

FILM Ferrania P30

Film Washi Film W

Film Washi Film X

Fomapan 100 Classic

Fomapan 200 Creative

Fomapan 400 Action

Fomapan R100

Foma Retropan 320

Part 2 – Fujifilm to Japan Camera Hunter

Fujifilm Acros 100

Fujifilm Fujicolor C200

Fujifilm Neopan 400C

Fujifilm Provia 100F

Fujifilm Pro 160NS

Fujifilm Pro 400H

Fujifilm Superia 200

Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400

Fujifilm Superia X-tra 800

Fujifilm Superia 1600

Fujifilm Velvia 50

Fujifilm Velvia 100

Ilford Delta 100

Ilford Delta 400

Ilford Delta 3200

Ilford FP4

Ilford HP5

Ilford Pan F

Ilford SFX 200

Ilford XP2 Super

Japan Camera Hunter Street Pan 400

Part 3 – Kentmere to Rollei

Kentmere 100

Kentmere 400

Kodak Ektar 100

Kodak Gold 200

Kodak Ultra Max 400

Kodak Ultra Max 800

Kodak Portra 160

Kodak Portra 400

Kodak Portra 800

Kodak TMax 100

Kodak TMax 400

Kodak Tri-X

LOMOgraphy CN100

LOMOgraphy CN400

LOMOgraphy CN800

LOMOgraphy Earl Grey 100

LOMOgraphy Lady Grey 400

LOMOgraphy LOMOChrome Purple 100-400

LOMOgraphy Redscale XR 50-200

LOMOgraphy Xpro Chrome 200

Lucky SHD100

Oriental Seagull 100

Oriental Seagull 400

Orwo N74+

Orwo UH54

Revelog 460nm

Revelog 600nm

Reveolg Kolor

Revolog Lazer

Revelog Plexus

Revelog Rasp

Revelog Streak

Revelog Tesla I

Revelog Tesla II

Revelog Texture

Revelog Volvox

Rollei CR200

Rollei Ortho 25

Rollei Retro 80S

Rollei Retro 400S

Rollei Vario Chrome


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Stephen Dowling
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Fishy (@Fish_O_Fish)
6 years ago

What about Kodak Colorplus 200? It’s not the same as Kodak Gold 200 supposedly.

6 years ago

All of them emulated in http://www.psdfilm.com

6 years ago

It seems that Fujifilm C200 may be out of production. It shows as discontinued by manufacturer on Amazon and elsewhere, and no longer appears on the Fuji website film section.

5 years ago

UH54 is actually “UN54”, most of the Agfa and Fujifilm emulsions you list have been discontinued, you’re missing the latest Kodak emulsions, LOMO’s line-up has completely changed and there’s this new emulsion I heard of called ‘Kosmo Mono’ that you should totally add. 😉

Needs an update, in short!